Toward comprehensive detection of sight threatening retinal disease using a multiscale AM-FM methodology (bibtex)
by C. Agurto, S. Barriga, V. Murray, S. Murillo, G. Zamora, W. Bauman, M. Pattichis, P. Soliz
Toward comprehensive detection of sight threatening retinal disease using a multiscale AM-FM methodology (C. Agurto, S. Barriga, V. Murray, S. Murillo, G. Zamora, W. Bauman, M. Pattichis, P. Soliz), In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Toward comprehensive detection of sight threatening retinal disease using a multiscale AM-FM methodology},
  author={Agurto, C. and Barriga, S. and Murray, V. and Murillo, S. and Zamora, G. and Bauman, W. and Pattichis, M. and Soliz, P.},
  booktitle={SPIE Medical Imaging},
  organization={International Society for Optics and Photonics},
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