Advancing Out-of-school Learning in Mathematics and Engineering (AOLME)

Short video introduction to the AOLME project.

The AOLME project has demonstrated successful implementation of an integrated curriculum for teaching computing foundations based on middle-school mathematics. Current educational research is focused on the development of learning models to understand how students acquired computing knowledge by participating in the project. Current engineering research is focused on the development of automated video analysis methods to support the development of the learning models.

The original AOLME website with links to student projects can be found here.

Web Apps

Journal papers

An earlier description of the origins of the AOLME curriculum can be found here:
  1. Celedon-Pattichis, S., LopezLeiva, C. A., Pattichis, M. S., and Llamocca, D., “An interdisciplinary collaboration between computer engineering and mathematics / bilingual education to develop a curriculum for underrepresented middle school students,” Cultural Studies in Science Education, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 873-887, December 2013.

Book chapters

A study of how AOLME supported broadening participation and support Latinas' bilingual and STEM identities can be found here:
  1. LópezLeiva, C., Celedóon-Pattichis, S., Pattichis, M.S., & Morales Flores, J. (in press). Teaching and learning binary numbers: Underrepresented students accessing high-quality STEM practices. In S. Crespo, A. Fernandes, & M. Civil (Eds.), Access and equity: Promoting high-quality mathematics in grades 6-8. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Web App.
  2. LopezLeiva, C., Celedon-Pattichis, S., and Pattichis, M.S., “Participation in the Advancing Out-of-School Learning in Mathematics and Engineering (AOLME) project: Supporting middle school Latinas’ bilingual and STEM identities,” in B. Polnick, B. Irby, & J. Ballenger. (Eds.). Girls and women of color in STEM: Navigating the double bind. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc, accepted, to appear, 2016.

Conference papers

A study of the integrated curriculum will be presented here:
  1. Jacoby, A.R., Pattichis M. S., Celedon-Pattichis, S., LópezLeiva C., “Context-Sensitive Human Activity Classification in Collaborative Learning Environments” , Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2018.
  2. Eilar, C. W., Jatla V., Pattichis, M. S., LópezLeiva ,C., and Celedón-Pattichis S., “Ditributed video analysis for the advancing out of school learning in mathematics and engineering project” , 2016 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2016.
  3. Wenjing S., Pattichis M. S., Celedon-Pattichis, S., LópezLeiva C., “Robust Head Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments Using AM-FM Representations” , Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2018.
  4. Pattichis, M. S., Celedon-Pattichis, S., and LopezLeiva, C., “Teaching image and video processing using middle-school mathematics and the Raspberry Pi” , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  5. LopezLeiva, C., Celedon-Pattichis, S., and Pattichis, M.S., “Integrating mathematics, engineering and technology through mathematics modeling and video representations,” accepted, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.

Refereed conference presentations

The AOLME project has been presented in several educational conferences:
  1. Celedon-Pattichis, S., LopezLeiva, C. A., Pattichis, M.S., & Llamocca, D., “At first it was very hard, then it was fun”: Conjecturing a learning trajectory for underrepresented middle school students in mathematics and engineering,” In K. Gomez (Chair), Creating contexts of pedagogical and curricular support for non-English background students in mathematics and science. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 2014.
  2. LopezLeiva, C. A., Celedon-Pattichis, S., Pattichis, M.S., & Llamocca, D., “Image representation in a middle school afterschool program,” 4th International Realistic Mathematics Education Conference, Boulder, Colorado, 2013.
  3. LopezLeiva, C., Celedon-Pattichis, S., Pattichis, M.S., & Llamocca, D., “Successes and challenges of supporting interactive learning in a mathematics and engineering afterschool program for middle school students,” Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, April, 2013.
  4. Celedon-Pattichis, S., LopezLeiva, C. A., Pattichis, M. S., & Llamocca, D., “Advancing out-of-school learning in mathematics and engineering,” In J. Aguirre (Chair), Learning to do math inside and outside of school—fostering productive mathematical practices and identity development for Latin@ youth, Scientific Research Symposium, Annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences, San Antonio, Texas, October, 2013.
  5. LopezLeiva, C., & Pattichis, M. S., “With our feet on the ground”: Affordances and challenges of developing an integrated STEM approach for Latina/o middle school students. In S. Celedon-Pattichis (Chair), Making our voices heard: Negotiating the promises and challenges of STEM education for historically underrepresented youth. Scientific Research Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences, Seattle , Washington, October, 2012.


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