Preparing Your Poster Presentation
Organization of poster Poster sessions are a
good medium for authors to present papers and meet with
interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions.
In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way
to sample many papers in parallel. Thus, it is important
that you display your message clearly and noticeably to
attract people who might have an interest in your paper.
Your poster should cover the key points of your work and
should not attempt to include all the details. Make your
poster as self-explanatory as possible. The ideal poster
is designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview
of your work, and initiate discussion. Carefully and completely
prepare your poster well in advance of the conference.
Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the
conference to see what it will look like and to make
sure that you have all of the necessary pieces.
Dimensions:The poster board will have a posting area of
46 inches (116 cm) wide by 48 inches (121 cm) tall. You are
not required to use the entire available space. The poster
boards will have legs such that the bottom edge of the poster
board is above the floor. It is acceptable for your poster to
hang down below the board slightly if necessary.
Formatting: The title of your poster should appear at the
top in CAPITAL letters about 1 inch (25 mm) tall. Below the
title, put the authors' names and affiliations. The flow of
your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right
in column-major order. Use arrows to lead your viewer through
the poster if needed. Use color for highlighting and to make
your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons,
figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state
your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 0.6 inch
(15 mm) tall so that people can read the poster from a distance.
The smallest text on your poster should be at least 0.35 inch (9 mm)
high, and the important points should be in a larger size. Use a
sans-serif font to make the print easier to read from a
distance for example, Arial, Calibri, Helvetica,
or Computer Modern cmss.
Poster Set-Up:
Attach your poster to the poster board before the session (e.g., during
the lunch break), and take it down immediately following the poster
session. Please arrive at the poster area about 15 minutes before
the session begins and report to the session chair. You must plan
on being at your poster during the full poster session, except for
the snack break near the middle of the time period. All posters
should remain on the boards for the duration of the poster session.
Pushpins (or the equivalent) will be available to attach the poster.
If you have difficulty locating any supplies, please contact the
session chair or the conference registration table. If your poster
is constructed of multiple pieces of paper, you should be at your
poster location sufficiently in advance to allow you to complete
mounting of your poster prior to of the start of the poster session.
Alternatively, you may consider taping together all of the pieces
before you mount the poster on the board to speed up the mounting process.
Other Equipment
: You may bring additional battery-operated audio or visual aids
to enhance your presentation. No electricity will be available
for use by poster presenters.
Presentation Time
: Be prepared to give a short oral explanation of about 5 to 10 minutes,
concentrating on the key innovation. You will repeat the oral explanation
as additional attendees gather at your poster. If possible, more than one author
should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions,
and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other
posters. |