Biomedical signals, images, and video are analyzed using new models (e.g., AM-FM representations) to extract features used in computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems. Current research is focused on the development of adaptive models for medical video communications that can deliver diagnostically accurate video using limited bandwidth. More...
Multidimensional AM-FM representations are used for analyzing non-stationary content in digital images and videos. Image analysis systems relie on the use of AM-FM image features for computer aided diagnosis (CAD), image segmentation, and image classification. Current research is focused on the development of motion estimation methods, robust AM-FM demodulation methods, and applications. More...
In collaboration with Professors LopezLeiva and Celedon-Pattichis from the UNM College of Education, the AOLME project led to the development of after school programs for middle school for teaching mathematical and computing foundations to students from underrepresented groups. Current research is focused on developing formal learning models of how the students learn, large-scale video analysis methods for recognizing video activities associated with the learning models, and the further development of the curriculum. More...
Reconfigurable architectures allow dynamic optimization of hardware resources to jointly optimize performance, energy/power, and accuracy. Also refer to the DRASTIC project below. More...
The DRASTIC project studies the use of dynamic reconfiguration for real-time adaptive optimization of software and hardware resources to solve user and automatically generated constraints on performance, power/energy, accuracy, and bandwidth. More...
In collaboration with Sandia national labs and the Air force research lab (AFRL), we pursue research in solar image analysis and multispectral image processing. More...
If interested in licensing our technologies in image and video processing and communications, visit this website for more information on current and pending patents. More...